
it would be the third case in 2023

it would be the third case in 2023

The name of the Belgian MEP Assita Kankofrom the Flemish nationalist party N-Va, was known in Spain at the end of 2019, when received Carles Puigdemont and Toni Comín before they began the procedures to be MEPs. Much has happened since then, but things have not gone well for Kanko: the European Parliament has opened an investigation for harassment.

For Kanko, from 42 yearsher reputation as an MEP is at stake, but, from a more general perspective, a sanction would put the European Parliament back in the eye of the hurricane. It would be the third confirmed case of harassment in the Eurochamber this year, among them that of the PSOE MEP Mónica Silvana González. This is also linked to the case of corruption ‘Qatargate‘.

Kanko is one of six vice-presidents of the right-wing European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group, where Vox also appears, very belligerent regarding the migration policy of the EU. The complaint against her was filed in November 2022according to the documents reviewed by ‘POLITICO’.

[Y si el Qatargate sólo es la punta del iceberg de la corrupción en Bruselas]

Under the rules of the European Parliament, a preliminary study was carried out to decide whether there were grounds for opening an investigationas it has been seen fit.

kanko has had 13 parliamentary staff since 2019, although the ParlTrack data does not include scholarship holders. Several of them have provided ‘POLITICO’ with documentation and testimonies of Kanko’s alleged abuse of power, such as demanding that they Work after hours, on weekends or holidays.

Also, Kanko would have established a climate of terror that made it impossible for employees to say no to their boss’s inappropriate demands. Employees also described the Total absence of limits between your requests.

According to the testimonies, Kanko did not distinguish between what was a work order and a personal request. Apparently, she asked the employees to pick her up, bring her food or take care of her child, as well as run routine errands or administrative tasks.

kanko He did not want to give his version of the facts. A spokesman for his N-VA party also declined to comment.

“A former member of staff filed a complaint in the European Parliament against his dismissal and that complaint was attended and dismissed. He has also initiated what is known as a ‘harassment procedure’. To my regret and frustration, those procedures are taking a long time and are therefore ongoing,” Kanko told ‘POLITICO’ by email.

“I have provided all my arguments and rebuttals within those proceedings and i’m in a strong position. But I have also followed the rules of procedure during all this time, “he settled.

Kanko, born in Burkina Faso, has been in Belgian politics for more than a decade. In 2019 she was elected to the European Parliament. His specialty is EU migration policy in Parliament’s Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.

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