economy and politics

Increase the supply of 26 agricultural products for the coming weeks

Increase the supply of 26 agricultural products for the coming weeks

As a measure to contribute to lower food prices and food security, andhe Colombian agriculture projected to increase harvests for this month and nextdespite the persistent La Nina phenomenonthe rise in the value of fertilizers and short-term events.

According to the information from the agroforestry projections of the Department of agriculturethe Rural Planning Unit (UPRA), guilds and the Municipal Agricultural Evaluations (EVA)it is expected that in May the production of food will increase in harvests that are already planned in products such as fruits, tubers, roots, bananas, greens and vegetables.

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According to the estimates of the entities, in the breakdown by group of products, the increases in fruit are expected in the harvest of mango, pear, tangelo, sideburn, apple, soursop, peach, banana, papaya, curuba, passion fruit and tree tomato.

While on the side of the segment of tubers, roots and plantainsthe crops that increase are those of yam, plantain and cassava. Also followed by vegetables such as spinach, chili, parsley, ahuyama, cucumber, cilantro, eggplant, cabbage, beans and cauliflower.

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However, Felipe Fonseca Fino, director of UPRAstated that “There are more than 25 products such as mango, banana, papaya, plantain, cassava, spinach, auyama, beans and cauliflower, which were harvested in the last weeks of April and during the month of May. This will allow to continue with the reduction in food prices”.

In terms of prices and supply, Luis Hernando Ríos, spokesperson for Corabastosexplained that “In May, there will be a good supply of sugar mangoes and plantains, coming from the department of Meta and the Eje Cafetero area. Additionally, there will be stability in the price of rice”.

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It should be noted that according to data from theSupply Bulletin‘, with cut to April 26, 2023a total of 426,756 tons of food in the main supply centers in Colombiawhich represented an increase of 1.5%, compared to the same period in 2022.

Likewise, the producers that registered the greatest increase in supply for the fourth month of the year were tubers, roots and plantains with 12.6% (+14,097 tons); fish with 10% (+333 tons); as well as vegetables with 4.1% (+4,910 tons).


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