economy and politics

Half of the bananas that are exported from Colombia leave the Caribbean

Half of the bananas that are exported from Colombia leave the Caribbean

He Colombian Caribbean banana sector in the first five months of 2023 it represented 50% of the national export market. This was confirmed by the Association of Banana Growers of Magdalena and La Guajira (Asbama).

According to the union, in the period from January to May of this year, the country exported a total of 701,430 tons of bananas to international marketswhich represented a reduction in national exports of 11%, compared to the data registered in the same period of 2022.

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Now, looking towards the international commercialization of bananas from the Colombian Caribbean, in this same period it was 351,635 tons, which registered a reduction of 6% compared to the same period in 2022.

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This decrease responds to multiple factors associated with the plantation renewal processes due to events such as floods and windstorms that occurred at the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023.”, assures the association.

Regarding the countries of destination, USA It is positioned as the first country to receive fruit from this region with a total of 115,442 tons in the first five months.

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But the document reflects that banana exports from this region have had a significant change, taking into account that the United Kingdom went to third place, being displaced by Belgium.

External sales to the latter reached 72,077 tons, while in third place is United Kingdom with 65,366 tons. In fourth and fifth place are Germany and the Netherlands with 34,812 and 13,550 tons, respectively.

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According to José Francisco Zúñiga, president of Asbama, “Bananas represent the third line of the country’s exports; although the decrease in the volume of fruit exported in the first five months of the year is evident, by the second semester we began to see a growth trend, supported by exploration of new markets”.

Similarly, in the analysis at the marketer level, it was estimated that techbaco was positioned with half of the fruit exports from the Caribbean, followed by Banasa which had 27% of international sales. “The foregoing makes it clear that these two companies with 77% of the cake move most of the banana agribusiness in the Caribbeanthey say.

Also, they are found united (9%), Banarica (7%) and frusama (4 %).


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