Science and Tech

Goldene is here, the gold graphene that changes its properties

Professor Lars Hultman, showing a goldene sheet

It turns out that it is possible to recreate the structure of graphene, using other materials. They have already achieved it with gold, and the results are surprising.

Swedish researchers from Linköping University have managed to replicate the structure of graphene, replacing carbon atoms with gold atoms. As with the original graphene, this Gold graphene, which they have called goldene, also changes its properties.

As you may know, graphene is a thin sheet of carbon atoms, obtained from graphite. And although it still does not offer us what we were promised, it is a miraculous material with a large number of applications.

The goldene is the result of applying the concept of graphene to gold: a thin sheet of gold atoms, which opens the doors to new applications of this metal.

What is Goldene, gold graphene

By changing the structure of the gold atoms to a sheet one atom thicklike graphene, also change their properties.

Gold is an excellent conductor, but By converting it into gold graphene or goldene, it becomes a semiconductor. That is, under certain conditions of temperature, pressure, etc., it is a conductor, but if they change, it becomes an insulator.

Professor Lars Hultman, showing a goldene sheet

Olov Planthaber

This new property allows gold to be used in new applications. Swedish researchers speak of its use as a catalyst to convert carbon dioxide, produce hydrogen or valuable chemicals, or purify water.

It would also have applications like semiconductor in electronic devices such as computers or mobile phonesaccording to Explain New Atlas.

Unfortunately, The handicap of goldene is that it is much more complex and slow to manufacture than graphene. First of all, thin layers of silicon must be sandwiched between layers of titanium and carbide, covering them with gold. When heated to high temperatures, silicon is replaced by gold.

A person

The most difficult thing is to extract the golden layer, which is in the middle of the “sandwich”. They achieved it with the help of a reagent called Murakami, which has been used by Japanese blacksmiths for centuries.

This reagent, if left on the gold layer for two months, removes carbon residues, and release gold graphene.

It is a slow and expensive process, but it does not detract from its value. Now the Swedish researchers they are working in simplifying the process, and replicating it with other materials.

Goldene, gold graphene, is here. Will we soon see it applied to materials and semiconductors?

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