
Giammattei’s trip to Washington does not include a visit to the White House

Giammattei's trip to Washington does not include a visit to the White House

The president of Guamatela, Alejandro Giammattei, began a work agenda in the United States on Monday to deal with different issues in the international relations of the Central American country.

A statement from the Guatemalan Executive indicates that “the work tour from Monday, June 27 to Wednesday, June 29, 2022 in the United States of America [busca] address various topics.

Among the activities announced by the government house, the meeting of President Giammattei with the Secretary of National Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, stands out.

“[La reunión abordará] issues of bilateral interest and the good results of Guatemala in the fight against transnational crime, irregular migration and drug trafficking,” the text indicated.

During his stay in Washington, Giammattei plans to make a presentation on Wednesday morning to complete the Central American country’s adherence to the “Alliance Declaration for Religious Freedom”, while attending the World Summit for Religious Freedom.

However, on the agenda scheduled for the president’s visit, so far, there is no meeting with officials from the Soft House or from the office of Vice President Kamala Harris, in charge of President Biden’s policy for the Northern Triangle of Central America.

Abortion in the context of the visit

In March of this year, the president hosted in his country the event of religious organizations that declared Guatemala City, Capital Pro-Life, and anti-abortion rights.

such an event caused an earthquake in human rights organizations, when immediately the National Congress, with a conservative majority, enacted a law that increased the penalties for women and described members of the LGBTI community as: “minority groups and incongruous with Christian morality.”

Faced with social pressure, Giammattei was forced to reject the legislation and ask Congress to shelve the measure.

During the visit to Washington, the president also plans to make a presentation on Tuesday at the Organization of American States, OAS, before the member states of the hemispheric organization.

Giammattei refused to participate in the recent Summit of the Americas arguing that “Guatemala is respected”. Thus, she responded to the observations of the United States and the international community about the revalidation of Attorney General Consuelo Porras, who was sanctioned on the Engel List of Corrupt Actors in Central America by Congress.

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