
Enagás will present its roadmap this month after the takeover of Teresa Ribera

Enagás will present its roadmap this month to execute Teresa Ribera's plan



Enagas executes its change of course this July. The change of CEO and the renewal of the top management will close with the presentation of a strategic plan in the middle of the month that will mark the future of the company that controls the State, with a 5% stake through the SEPI.

A renewal of the manager of the Spanish gas system that is endorsed by the Minister for the Ecological Transition herself, Theresa Rivera. Enagás chose last February to Arturo Gonzalo Aizpiri as CEO, replacing Marcelino Oreja. Former Director of Communications Repsol he is recognized as a trusted person of the minister, since he coincided with Ribera in the Ministry of the Environment at the time of Christina Narbonne.

That movement was interpreted both in the sector and within the company as the election of a ‘dolphin’ to closely monitor a strategic company in the midst of the gas price crisis. The Government seeks to go hand in hand with Enagás in the positioning of the company in the gas infrastructure plan that comes out of REPowerEUthe strategy of the European Commission to achieve energy independence from Russia.

This scenario marks the future of the company for the next five years, as explained to Vozpopuli sources familiar with the company. Europe is the main focus for Enagás. The strategic move was evident last week in the agreement announced with albgaz, the system manager of Albania, for the development of gas infrastructures both in the Balkan country and throughout the region. A pact that they closed together Teresa Ribera and Arturo Gonzalo together with the Albanian institutions.

Its commitment to European business means that the sector is already talking about the possibility of reviewing its assets in Latin America. After the sale of its gas business in ChiliEnagás maintains its presence in Mexico and Peru. In Spain, for its part, the strategic plan presented this month will stand out for its role in the energy transition led by Ribera, with the intention of being a benchmark in the energy business. renewable hydrogenand its activity for the security of energy supply both in the Spanish market and in Europe.

In a new team at Enagás

In order to execute this plan, Arturo Gonzalo presented to the company’s board of directors a transformation of its management team. Some movements of chairs where the change of its financial director and the signing of Natalia Latorreuntil now CEO of Shell SpainWhat General Director of Energy Transition.

With this renovation, Gonzalo was able to reduce the management of the company from 11 to 9 members. Furthermore, the CEO decided to move to the hitherto Director of Enagás Renewable and Services, Antón Martínez. Martínez leaves the Executive Committee to give Enagás independence in its capacity as TSO and Technical Manager of the System. The manager is now in charge of Enagas Renewable after the entrance of background HY24 in its shareholding.

The Chairman of Enagás, Antonio LlardénEP

The changes received the green light from the board of directors that he presides over Antonio Llarden. A president who was left without executive functions since the departure of Marcelino Oreja and the entry of Arturo Gonzalo himself. Llarden leads one of the most political councils of the Ibex.

The company’s board of directors has representatives with a socialist past such as José Blanco, Manuel Gabriel Gonzalez Ramos, José Montilla and María Teresa Costa Campi . The council also has Natalie Fabra Y Christopher Gallego that, without being militant, are linked to the energetic positioning of United We Can.

Anna Palace It is now the only one in Enagás linked to the Popular Party after the departure in February of the former PP government officials: Ignacio Grangel, Antonio Hernández-Mancha, Isabel Tocino and Gonzalo Solana. Four councilors whose mandate expired this year and which has coincided with the arrival of representatives who are friendlier to Ribera’s decisions.

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