Science and Tech

drones vs. Shark: New York Increases Vigilance

drones vs.  Shark: New York Increases Vigilance

The New York Governor Kathy Hochulreported that the number of drones for shark sighting on the beaches of NY and also pointed out that they have a budget of one million dollars for the surveillance of sharks, whose presence has increased in recent months.

Some 60 drones will be distributed in the Long Island, New York City and Westchester County areas, and will offer training in the use of these equipment, he said during a press conference at the National Shark Awareness Daywhich is commemorated internationally.

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We are observing (sharks) from land, sea and air”, indicated the governor to refer to the fact that they are also using helicopters, boats and vehicles to monitor the movement of sharks.

Five non-fatal bite cases have been reported on Long Island so far this year. Among the victims are two children under 15 years of age. “These new drones will allow us to scan the water and help Long Island and city local governments keep beaches they can see shadows and movement below the surface, he said.

Hochul recalled that from one incident with a shark that occurred in 2012 there were eight last year. “Nobody thought about sharks before until 1975 when Jaws (the movie) was released in all theaters”, he commented and explained that they are getting closer because the waters of the beaches are now cleaner than 50 years agoand as a result, “the sea creatures that are eaten by sharks have been closing in, so the sharks are literally following their dinner closer to shore”.

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He Parks Commissioner, Recreation and Historic Preservationwho manages the beaches, Erik KulleseidHe noted that the drone footage gives lifeguards and park managers even greater visibility than they would from their posts.

We have learned that drones are truly the most efficient and effective way to detect shark activity and other potentially dangerous marine life.”, he assured.

He explained that there are 13 species of sharks that make seasonal migrations to the New York region from the Atlantic Ocean each year.

They have always been there and we have to share the ocean with them.”, he commented at the press conference.

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During the press conference, beach lovers were advised to avoid swimming at dawn, dusk and at night to minimize the risk of shark encounters, as well as swimming areas. sealsof banks of fishyesthe fish jumping out of water waves diving seabirdsand they must stay close to shore and swim and row in groups.

With the increase in shark sightings since last summer, the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservationhe Department of Environmental Conservation and the New York State Police vigilance was increased to protect bathers with all the available technology, complemented by boats and helicopters along the Long Island State Park beaches.

These measures improve the safety of bathers.


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