economy and politics

Díaz and Belarra stage unity in Navarra and make a common front against the PP: “Without a strong Sumar, there is no progressive coalition”

Feijóo asks to rectify a TVE journalist who questioned her lies about the increases in PP pensions

Unit image on the left for the final stretch of the campaign. Yolanda Díaz and Ione Belarra have staged this Monday the coalition pact that Podemos signed a month ago to join Sumar, the largest left-wing coalition since the recovery of democracy, with an act in Pamplona in which both have walked through the downtown and have held a joint rally, the first they have shared since the start of the campaign for the general elections on July 23. The two leaders have combined their speeches to criticize the Popular Party. “The only program with which the PP presents itself is that of lies,” said the general secretary of Podemos. “Feijóo’s model is based on his compulsive lies,” said the leader of Sumar.

Feijóo asks to rectify a TVE journalist who questioned her lies about the increases in PP pensions


Díaz and Belarra have met for the first time since the beginning of the electoral campaign. The leader of Podemos had held two events to support Sumar’s candidacies, led by leaders of her party, in Murcia and Las Palmas, but until now the photographers had not been able to photograph the two leaders together, who had not shared an event since the campaign of the Andalusian regions, in the summer of 2022. This Monday they toured the historic center of Pamplona and then shared the stage at the Caballo Blanco viewpoint, the highest part of the Redín Bastion, considered the best defensive point of the city.

The two leaders have met at the Fueros Monument. There they have given each other a hug and two kisses and have posed for the cameras before beginning the walk through the historic center. An image of unity to close the circle of tensions that accompanies the relationship between the second vice president and the formation that Belarra has been leading for months and that reached its highest point in the negotiations to seal the coalition for the general elections, when Podemos denounced publicly a veto to his ‘number two’, Irene Montero, which Sumar denies. The party, despite this public complaint, ended up signing the pact and joining the rest of the progressive forces in the same candidacy.

The United Podemos MEP Idoia Villanueva, head of the Sumar for Navarra list, also participated in the circuit, the position that Belarra had held in the four previous elections as a candidate for Podemos first and for Unidas Podemos. “It has been an honor to represent the people of Navarre and to be the Prime Minister of Navarra. We have responded to the interests and objectives of the people who voted for us, but I tell you that this seat could not be in better hands. It is an honor for me to hand over the baton to Idoia ”, Belarra said before giving the step to her party partner. Belarra has abandoned that number 1 for Navarra that she had occupied until now to compete as number 5 in the Sumar lists for Madrid, behind the leader of Más País, Íñigo Errejón.

If the tension between the two leaders is still latent, neither let it be noticed this Monday during the tour of the city. Rather to the contrary, both were smiling and shared selfies with supporters along the way. When the turn of the interventions came, Belarra vindicated the work of the progressive government and also the legacy of the Ministry of Equality, and even named the law of ‘only yes is yes’, anathema in the speeches of the second vice president during this campaign, which He has only referred to it in the interviews he has conducted, in which he has highlighted the defense of its integral part, but has criticized the criminal part (“There are things that could have been done better”) whose design has caused a continuous reduction of penalties for sexual offenders from its application.

Beyond this claim, Belarra has repeatedly asked for a vote for the coalition led by Yolanda Díaz. “I want to address those who doubt. It is normal to doubt. I think it is important to tell people who are hesitating between Sumar and PSOE that the only safe vote to stop the right is to vote for Sumar”, he said, in line with the speech that force has maintained since the start of the campaign. , aware that a good handful of people decide their vote in the last days of the campaign.

The leader of Podemos has even made a reference to the voter who in recent days has been vacillating between left-wing or Sumar pro-independence options. “Few people have defended like me the importance of building a progressive and plurinational majority that has been the condition for the possibility of all the advances of the legislature”, he said to thank the role of formations such as Esquerra Republicana or EH Bildu in the approval of key laws in the legislature such as the pension reform or the housing law. “But it is equally true that if Sumar is not strong, there will be no coalition government to support. The only possibility that they have something to support is that Sumar is strong ”, she has closed.

Yolanda Díaz has later taken up Belarra’s thread to deepen her criticism of Feijóo, which has intensified in recent days. “Go out to vote with hope because they are not going to win,” she said. Feijoo is right. You can’t vote for someone who lies. We agree. Six million people have seen him lie in a debate that looked to the past. They did not look to the future of our country and did not advance towards a better Spain. The women of this country are clear. We want to continue raising salaries ”, defended the second vice president, who this morning in an interview on Cadena SER once again asked the popular leader for explanations for the photograph of her with the drug trafficker Marcial Dorado.

Díaz has mentioned Belarra in his speech. “Ione knows it well. The ERTEs already existed in Spain since the 1980s but both the PSOE and the PP never wanted to use them during the crises in this country, ”he said. And then he has defended the management of the Minister of Social Rights to charge against the economic model of the opposition leader. “Mr. Feijóo when he talks about social welfare does not refer to Belarra, he refers to the Abascal model,” he said. “A model that turns feminism into a war of the sexes; feminism is an emancipatory movement that wins rights. When he talks about the economy, he looks at Aznar, who has told the Spanish the truth, that we must return to austerity. That the Spanish are going to have to go through difficulties. Vote for Sumar because we have shown that those who are in trouble are the ones in charge, the great fortunes, the electric companies, who campaign for Feijóo, vote for Sumar because I know well what they are going to do ”, Díaz has settled.

300,000 Podemos voters

Sumar has focused its efforts in recent days on mobilizing the undecided. The surveys indicate that a third of the votes that United Podemos gathered in 2019 have gone to the PSOE or to abstain. At the same time, in the coalition they detect that there is a disenchanted vote with the PSOE that they can attract and Yolanda Díaz has decided to do so with direct appeals to women. She already did it in Andalusia, where they diagnose that this leakage of socialist votes is more pronounced, and she has done it again this Monday in Navarra. “We already defeated the PP when [el exministro de Justicia Alberto Ruiz] He wanted to take us back to caveman times. Believe in yourself. Defend the future of your Navarrese daughters, mothers and grandmothers, vote on July 23”, Díaz claimed.

In the coalition they also hope that this image of unity can mobilize a percentage of voters who may have been disenchanted after the tensions with Podemos for the signing of the coalition. Some polls calculate that this number is between 200,000 and 300,000 votes, a not inconsiderable amount to tie some seats that are disputed with other formations in key provinces. Especially with Vox, with whom they are fighting for third place, but also with the Popular Party or the Socialist Party, which could win a second or third seat in some of these constituencies. The PSOE, in fact, has released a video on Monday in which it calls for the concentration of the vote in its formation to prevent the last seat, now at stake between PP and Sumar, according to the CIS, from being left in the hands of the right.


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