
Could Ben Affleck’s 10-year-old son go to jail?


Samuel Affleck, the 10 year old son of Ben Affleckfruit of his marriage with the actress Jennifer Garnercould receive serious consequences for having crashed his father’s Lamborghini car.

The whole incident began when the actor allowed his son to get behind the wheel of a Lamborghini during a visit he made in the company of Jennifer Lopez to a Los Angeles dealership so that he could begin to familiarize himself with such a car, specifically with the reverse, which caused him to crash into the car behind him.

Realizing that he had crashed, both the boy and his father got scared and got out of the car to check the damage. A rep for the artist told Entertainment Tonight that “everyone is fine” and none of the cars suffered any visible marks after their brief contact.

Other sources who witnessed the crash, which was recorded by paparazzi and pedestrian cameras, assured TMZ that Samuel decided to get into the car himself and experiment with its gears and pedals, all with a bad outcome.

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What caught the attention is that during all this mishap, the singer of “El Ring” remained seated in the back of the vehicle, so she did not even bother to go out to see what had happened.

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