
Congress Commission recommends charging President Castillo for corruption

Congress Commission recommends charging President Castillo for corruption

First modification:

The Supervisory Commission of the Congress of Peru recommended constitutionally charging President Pedro Castillo for his alleged participation in various crimes. Meanwhile, the ruling Peru Libre party asked him to “irrevocably” renounce his militancy.

The storm continues for Peruvian President Pedro Castillo.

“The Oversight and Comptroller Commission proposes to the Permanent Commission of Congress that, under articles 99 and 100 of the Constitution, formulate a Constitutional Accusation before the Plenary against President José Pedro Castillo Terrones,” said the working group.

This, for alleged crimes of criminal organization, incompatible negotiation and improper use of the position.

The Congress Commission, which has investigated the complaints against the Peruvian president in recent weeks, wishes to proceed with a constitutional accusation, since “it is proven that there are evidentiary and circumstantial elements that prove the alleged commission of the crimes” of which he is accused.

In the conclusions of the 360-page report, it was also recommended that former Transport Minister Juan Silva, former Secretary General of the Presidency Bruno Pacheco, and two nephews of the president, all fugitives from Justice, be constitutionally charged for allegedly integrating a criminal network headed by the president to award a public works contract.

Likewise, the Commission suggested including former Minister of Defense Walter Ayala in these accusations “for his alleged interference in the promotion of high-ranking officers of the Armed Forces.”

The report of the legislative group, which began its work in March, does not contain defenses from Castillo after he refused, at the last moment, to receive them on Monday. Ten days ago, the head of state denied being involved in these crimes during an interrogation by the Prosecutor’s Office.

The final report of this body, still in the draft stage, will be debated by the members of the Commission, with an opposition majority, this Thursday, according to local media.

If approved, it must be sent to the plenary session of Congress to follow the same procedure.

If the full Congress approves the report, Castillo could face a third vacancy request in 11 months.

Peru Libre asked Castillo to resign from his militancy

Last Tuesday, the ruling Peru Libre party asked President Castillo to “irrevocably” resign from his militancy.

This was reported by the general secretary of the party, Vladimir Cerrón, in a statement published on his Twitter account, in which he assured that the decision was made “by unanimous agreement of the Party, Political Commission and Bank,” it reads.

Peru Libre accused Castillo of having promoted internal dissidence in the group. The ruling party has gone from having 37 members in July of last year to 16 today.

He also accused the president of promoting the registration of two “parallel” political parties within Free Peru, after the formation of the Democratic Peru and the Magisterial Bloc, made up of dissident legislators.

Indeed, he considered that the Peruvian president has implemented a “looser neoliberal program,” and warned that if he does not resign, an administrative disciplinary process will be initiated, which could lead to his expulsion.

For his part, Castillo assured the press this Wednesday that “in the next few hours” he will give a response to Peru Libre, “understanding that Peru is above all else.”

Crisis in Peru

The Inca country has been experiencing a political, economic and social crisis since Castillo arrived at the Government Palace in July of last year.

High fuel prices have triggered a huge strike for cargo carriers.

The Lima Chamber of Commerce (CCL) estimated that this generates an economic loss of 18 million dollars a day in agro-export products and two million dollars in traditional fishing products.

But the problem is not the rise in fuel prices, but the increase in the cost of living in general. Meanwhile, the annual inflation rate remains around 8%, its highest level in 24 years.

With EFE and local media

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