Science and Tech

Children will use 80% more apps in summer

Children will use 80% more apps in summer

“During class time she is at school until 2 pm, then we eat together and she goes to swimming classes some days, to ballet classes on other days and to catechism on the weekend. In the afternoons we do homework, so she can only use her tablet for an hour on average, however, right now I try to make her not only watch TikTok videos or play games, because she gets bored not going out,” says Vázquez.

The platform’s study indicates that children use technology at home, with 84%; and during road and air travel, with 46%. Despite the increase in exposure to screens and the concerns that parents have about the content their children are consuming, 80% of those surveyed consider technology a great ally to reinforce the knowledge acquired at school.

Irene García, a specialist in digital education for parents, points out that one of the recommendations she makes is to make agreements on the use of technology and to use this type of resource not only to entertain, but also to inform and even integrate as a family.

“One of the biggest mistakes that people make is that they condition the use of technology and reward or punish it through these types of resources, which ends up making them a source of disagreement,” says García.

Technology as an educational ally

According to the study, 6 out of 10 families use technology to help their children learn through educational apps. This is one of the main reasons why the use of devices is allowed during the summer.

Technology also helps children in their daily lives; 41% of respondents reported that it helps them pick up their belongings; 36% learn about nutrition and healthy eating habits; and almost 40% use it to learn safety rules, such as looking both ways before crossing the street or not talking to strangers.

An interesting fact revealed by the Lingokids study is that technology has a positive impact on children’s routines and daily lives; 7 out of 10 parents say that their children use it to relax while waiting for a medical appointment.

Three-quarters of respondents also agree that technology helps their children improve their daily routines. For example, 43.21% of children use game apps, songs and videos to brush their teeth to make this routine more fun. Another 46.41% do so to learn how to wash their hands and 23.85% do so to keep themselves entertained in the bathroom, as a support in learning to remove diapers.

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