
Celebrities share their abortion stories to give hope to women in the US.

FFollowing the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, nearly half of the states in the United States are poised to ban abortion outright, depriving women and others who may become pregnant of the ability to make important decisions regarding their own bodies. and live

These public figures speak out in favor of abortion rights by sharing their personal experiences with the procedure.

umma thurman

In September 2021, actress Uma Thurman wrote an op-ed for The Washington Post speaking out against Texas’s latent abortion law. “Hoping to blow the flames of controversy away from vulnerable women this law will have an immediate effect on,” the Kill Bill actress said, explaining why she decided to speak openly about her own experience with abortion. Thurman spoke about her experience of being “accidentally impregnated by a much older man” when she was 15 and living abroad.

She described how she initially wanted to keep the child, but ultimately decided to have an abortion after speaking with her parents.

Nicki Minaj

In a candid interview with Rolling Stone in 2014, 39-year-old rapper Nicki Minaj revealed private information about an abortion she had as a teenager. “I thought I was going to die,” she said as she described how she felt when she found out she was pregnant. I was a young adult. “The abortion was the most difficult experience I’ve ever had,” she said.

Minaj remains firmly in favor of abortion despite acknowledging in the interview that she experienced psychological distress after the procedure. ” “I wasn’t ready. I had nothing to offer a child,” she commented.

Phoebe Bridges

In May 2022, following news that the Supreme Court was moving toward overturning Roe v. Wade, the 27-year-old independent singer took to Instagram to share her abortion story with her 1.7 million followers. Bridgers revealed that she had an abortion the previous year and explained how her personal experience shaped her views on the importance of ensuring that all people have access to abortion.

“I had an abortion in October of last year while on tour. I went to Planned Parenthood, where they gave me the abortion pill. It was easy. Everyone deserves that kind of access,” she said.

Jovovich mile

In response to Georgia’s “heartbeat bill,” which bans abortions if a fetus has a detectable heartbeat, actress and model Milla Jovovich has spoken out about getting an emergency abortion while filming a movie abroad in Europe. East in 2016.

“I don’t like to get political, and I try to do it only if I really have to and this is one of those moments,” he wrote on his Instagram account. “Abortion is difficult enough for women emotionally without having to go through it in potentially unsafe and unsanitary conditions,” she explained.

Whoopi Goldberg

In defiance of news of the Supreme Court’s draft, the 66-year-old actress and co-host of The View recently delivered an impassioned speech on bodily autonomy, equating access to abortion with health care.

In an earlier essay for Angela Bonavogila’s book The Choices We Made, Goldberg spoke openly about her own experience with unsafe abortion. “I found out that she was pregnant when she was 14 years old. I didn’t have a period. I didn’t talk to anyone. I panicked. I sat in hot baths. I took these strange concoctions that the girls told me about… I became violently ill,” she recalled.

Jameela Jamil

The Good Place actress and pro-choice advocate Jameela Jamil has spoken out against Georgia’s law banning abortion by describing a previous abortion she had. Despite using two different birth control methods, both failed and Jamil, 36, had an abortion eight weeks later, she wrote on Instagram.

“The abortion saved my life,” said Jamil. “It wasn’t difficult for me, I live with no regrets, just deep relief and gratitude,” he said.

laura prepon

Actress Laura Prepon, 42, best known for playing Donna on That 70s Show, revealed to People that she and her husband had to make the difficult decision to terminate their second pregnancy after an ultrasound showed the fetus likely had a congenital disability. .

Prepon was informed that the fetus would not develop normally and that continuing the pregnancy would endanger her own life. She said, “Our neonatal specialist told us the brain wasn’t growing, and the bones weren’t growing.” Prepon made the decision to publicly share her experience because, in her words, “to have a real conversation about motherhood, you need to share truths and talk about what’s really going on.”

Keke Palmer

After Alabama’s governor signed a law banning nearly all abortions, actress and singer Keke Palmer first spoke out about her abortion experience in May 2019. Palmer, who has appeared in numerous movies and TV shows like Hustlers and Scream Queens, she tweeted in support of thousands of other women online who she had previously chosen to abort because she wasn’t ready to have a child at that point in her life.

“I was worried about my career responsibilities and I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to exist as a career woman and a mother,” she said.

chelsea manager

Chelsea Handler, comedian and pro-choice activist, opened up about her 16-year-old abortions in a personal essay for Playboy. In her memoir, Handler described her original thought process, saying, “I just thought, ‘Why not? I can have a baby. Maybe I’ll have twins and give them names that rhyme!”

Looking back, however, Handler, who was 41 when she wrote the essay, acknowledged that the idea of ​​raising a child alone at that age, when she couldn’t even find her way home at night, was ludicrous. My parents knew that, so they took me to Planned Parenthood for the first time in my life and they behaved like parents.

‘ This Article may contain information published by third parties, some details of this article were extracted from the following source: www.marca.com ‘

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