economy and politics

AFPs and foreigners are the ones that buy more shares in the Colombian stock market


During August, pension funds (AFPs) were the largest net purchasers of market shares on the Colombian Stock Exchange, since their mNet amount of acquisition was $129,371 million and its flows represented 18% of the total for the monthaccording to a report from the Directorate of Economic, Sectoral and Market Research of the Bancolombia Group.

(Read: Treasury securities reach historical purchase figures in August).

Among the shares that most bought in the eighth month of the year are Bancolombia preferential ($49,891 million), Ordinary Bancolombia ($28,858 million) and the Hcolsel ETF ($25,542 million).

According to the analysis of Bancolombia GroupIn contrast, the largest net sales of shares occurred in Cemex Latam Holding CLH (-$27,353 million), Canacol (-$3,328 million) and Corficol (-$2,534 million).

Foreigners were the second largest net buyers in the month, says the entity report.

Their net amount amounted to $27,557 million. Its flows represented 41% of the total flows for the month, mentions the Bancolombia report.

During August, the largest purchases occurred in CLH ($49,878 million), Davivienda ($19,826 million) and Bancolombia preferential ($16,298 million).

On the other hand, heThe most sold were ordinary Bancolombia (-$21,228 million), ISA (-$19,307 million) and the Hcolsel ETF (-$10,393 million).



The ones that sold the most

Natural persons were the largest net sellers in August, cwith an amount of -$46,684 million. CLH, Ecopetrol and Corficol were its most representative sales, with net flows of -$19,879 million, -$19,156 million and -$4,240 million, respectively.

The report of the Group’s Economic, Sectoral and Market Research Directorate mentions that in terms of the percentage of participation in the negotiation rounds, the most relevant were foreigners (41%), brokerage firms (19%) and pension funds (16%).

In the eighth month of the year, the MSCI Colcap index fell 5.2% and the shares of Grupo Argos (-19.4%), Promigas (-18.8%) and Cementos Argos preferential (-18.8%), were the most undervalued.

(Also: $519 billion is invested in eleven airports.)

The titles that presented the highest valuations they were CLH (17.9%), Éxito (5.9%) and preferential Davivienda (1.2%).

For their part, the markets in the region showed a mixed behavior in the month.
Mexico and Peru recorded declines of 6.7% and 2.3%, respectively. On the other hand, Brazil and Chile had a positive month with increases of 6.2% and 3.5%, respectively.
In the Colombian Stock Exchange, the average daily trading in the local market was $72,632 million (23.4% higher month to month and -28.8% if compared year to year).

In the ranking of the most traded shares during August, Ecopetrol ranked first, with a total volume of $429,489 million, followed by Bancolombia preferential, with an amount of $380,990 million.

Finally, reviewing the investment limits of the AFPs, the Bancolombia Group said that in the system the portfolio with the highest risk is found with a slack of 15.5%, the moderate one with 3.5% and the conservative one with 2.1%. , similar to that registered during July.


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