
A soldier accused of an attempted coup in January was detained again in Burkina Faso

Dec. 28 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The Burkina Faso authorities have arrested Lieutenant Colonel Emmanuel Zoungrana at his home in the town of Pabré, just two weeks after his release on bail after his arrest in January for his alleged involvement in a coup attempt against the then president. , Roch Marc Christian Kaboré.

The arrest of Zoungrana, who has been transferred to the capital, Ouagadougou, has taken place after hours of tensions due to an attempt by his supporters to avoid his arrest, although the operation has ended without incident, as reported by the station. Radio France Internationale.

Zoungrana will appear this Wednesday before a military court, without the reasons for the arrest of the lieutenant colonel, who commanded the forces of the Northern sector in the fight against terrorism in the African country, having been disclosed for the moment.

Shortly before his arrest, the soldier had published a video in which he denounced several assassination attempts against him and torture during his period in custody after his arrest in January. He also claimed that several drones had flown over his home for days after his release.

“I have fought for Burkina Faso. The rest is politics. In politics, if you are a nuisance, they liquidate you, put you in prison or send you into exile,” he said in his video, about which the military junta – which took the power in a coup days after his arrest– has not spoken.

The junta is now headed by Ibrahim TraorĂ©, who led a coup in September that was considered a “palace coup” by a sector of the military junta confronting its until then leader, Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba, in the face of continuous deterioration of the security situation and attacks by jihadist groups.

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