Shooting in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. The Danish police have reported that several people had been injured by shots and that a 22-year-old Dane, the main suspect, had been arrested in a shopping center in the capital.
Finally it has been confirmed that there are several dead. Furthermore, according to the Chief of Police, the shooting could be a terrorist attack.
Copenhagen police tweeted that they had dispatched officers to the Field shopping mall after reports of a shooting, asking people to send pictures and other relevant details from the scene. Local media published photos showing heavily armed police on siteas well as people running out of the mall.
Shooting in a Copenhagen shopping center
Police did not provide further information about the arrest, nor did they say how many people had been injured or killed. They advised people inside the center to they will stay quiet and wait for police help, asking others to stay away from the area.
Also, keep in mind that the British singer Harry Styles was supposed to perform later, at 8 p.m., in a concert hall near the mall. The concert will take place as scheduled after talking to the police. Specifically, half of the audience has already entered the venue that will host the concert, reported the promoter of the Live Nation show.
Vi er fortsat tilstede, der er afgivet skud og flere personer er ramt. Vi arbejder på stedet. Personer i Fields skal blive og afvente politiet. Alle andre personer skal holde sig væk fra Fields #politidk
— Københavns Politi (@KobenhavnPoliti) July 3, 2022
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