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Who said that Fire Emblem will never leave millions for being niche? Maybe no one, but if someone had done it they would have been wrong. We say this since one installment of this strategy franchise has already generated $1 billion, according to reports. As you can imagine, we mean Fire Emblem Heroes.
According to a report from Sensor Tower, the agency that tracks mobile game revenue, Fire Emblem Heroes is Nintendo’s highest-grossing title on iPhone and Android. This after having generated $1,000 million, a huge amount of money.
According to figures from Sensor Tower, Fire Emblem Heroes generated $29 million dollars in the first quarter of 2022. It is worth mentioning that most of its revenues come from Japan (54%), the United States (32%) and Canada (3%).
But how have other Nintendo games fared on mobile? Not as good as Fire Emblem Heroyes Second, we have mario kart tour Y Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp since each of them has generated $282 million. For its part, Dragalia Lost generated $168 million while super mario run got 87%. From there, there is a huge mass of $14 million, an amount that generated dr mario world.
In case you missed it: Waifus and husbandos of Fire Emblem show off hot bikinis in Fire Emblem Heroes
What do you think about this new? Have you contributed to the massive income of Fire Emblem Heroes? Tell us in the comments.
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