Science and Tech

Will Threads have advertising? this we know

Will Threads have advertising?  this we know

“Our approach will be the same as all of our other products: make it work right first, then see if we can get 1 billion people on a clear path, and only after that point think about monetization,” the CEO wrote. Meta, Threads matrix, Instagram, WhatsApp and Facebook.

This means that eventually there will be ads within Threads, since its download rate has been constant and quite high in just a couple of days. After the first seven hours of its launch, the app had 10 million users and before the first day, it already had more than 30 million.

On top of those numbers, Threads managed to achieve another couple of milestones in just a few hours, with the app also already racking up 95 million posts and 190 million likes, proving the hype the Twitter competitor generated.

Who has also ruled on this matter was Adam Mosseri, CEO of Instagrama, the team behind the development of Threads, as he pointed out that monetization is not a priority at this time.

“If we’re successful, if we do something that a lot of people like and keep using, I’m sure we’ll monetize it and I’d be sure the business model would be ads,” Mosseri said in an interview.

However, he was clear when highlighting that at this time they are not concentrating on this car. “We are very focused on trying to make something that people love to use and then if we get something to scale, it will be less of a dilemma.”

During the same conversation, the executive said that before reaching a massive number of people, they are going to seek to generate a platform with impact and culturally relevant.

For now, users are concerned about how invasive the new platform could be if it implements ads, as it shares the same privacy policy as Instagram or Facebook, where the strategies are often aggressive.

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