Quantum computing will be one of the most important revolutions in the field of computing. The traditional bits (0 or 1) that are represented in conventional transistors will give rise to Qubits with which to achieve much higher computing power than current processors thanks to their exponential growth, although it will also mean new challenges in other sectors such as data security and cryptography.
The most important companies related to traditional computing have been researching and developing their own technologies and devices for the quantum computing era for some time, and Intel is one of them. The company had already unveiled its first Horse Ridge controller for cryogenic quantum computing and now presents his first quantum chip for research: Tunnel Falls.
Intel has taken advantage of Silicon-based CMOs technology for its Spin Qubits
There are different approaches to the problem of quantum computing (superconducting loops, ionic traps, topological qubits, photonic qubits, etc.), and the one that Intel has taken with Tunnel Falls is that of Silicon Quantum Dots, that is, use the Silicon as the basis for his Spin Qubits system on a scalable 12-qubit chip that can also be configured to use fewer qubits for research purposes.
Therefore, we have a system of quantum chips based on current CMOS technology which allows Intel take advantage of your manufacturing facilities own to develop these quantum chips and to be able to develop new solutions by carrying out tests directly in the factory.
In factthe company has achieved a yield (number of functional chips per wafer) of 95%, a very high figure and that represents the chips where the 12 qubits are 100% functional. For each 300 mm wafer, 24,000 quantum points are obtained for research work.
These chips and wafers are manufactured in the D1 factory using EUV lithography systems (possibly with ASML machinery) such as those used in the manufacture of the company’s most advanced conventional processors.
In order to test these wafers, Intel has developed exclusive machinery in charge of reducing the wafers to extreme temperatures below zero and power perform tests at temperatures as low as -271.55ÂșC
The internal structure of the chip Tunnel Falls With technology “Silicon Spin Qubit” It is similar to what we can see in the following image, where in the lower part, to form the different qubits, located between two “gates” we find the different electrons trapped in a “quantum gate” and controlled by electromagnetic fields that allow them to interact with each other to perform operations.
It is about of the first processor developed by Intel with this technology and is made up of a array of 12 spin qubits on each chip. In addition, this technology allows each chip millions of times smaller than those used in other approximations such as Superconducting Qubits, so scalable quantum systems can be developed more easily and in much less space with many more qubits and exponentially much higher powers than current processors looking to the future
The Tunnel Falls quantum chip is combined with its own Horse Ridge II quantum controller, the successor to Horse Ridge, and various compilers, runtimes, quantum SDKs, and algorithms to offer a complete and functional research platform that will be available to researchers and universities.
Tunnel Falls is now available to universities and quantum research labs starting today. Intel expects the next generation of Tunnel Falls-based chips to arrive in 2024, while development of commercial solutions is slated for the next decade.
Intel has enabled a portal dedicated to its progress in quantum computing in intel.com/quantum.
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