General objective:
Strengthen the capacities of the participants to identify how public value is created and how to apply the principles and tools of management for results in both national and subnational public service.
Specific objectives:
- Understand what is public value? And how is it created?
- Understand the management by results approach, its link with public value and with the relationship between the State and citizens. Identify the citizen and his environment as the starting and finishing point of public policies
- Define public problems and solutions based on causality and scientific evidence.
- Connect public policies with public sector budget management.
- Link the designs of public policy with the essential and support processes in the administration.
- Make management decisions based on performance information along the value chains.
- Promote national, regional, local or institutional initiatives (in the entity in which you work) of management for results
The development of the modules favors the adult education model, in which the participants are the main actors in the development of knowledge through the course activities. In order for the participants to internalize the concepts, and for the classes to be dynamic, the following elements will be used:
- Presentations by the teacher (synchronous and asynchronous): concepts, methodologies and tools are presented that are illustrated by the teacher using experiences and cases. Participants will also have a synchronous session per week with the teacher, in order to exchange knowledge and ask questions about the topics covered during the week.
- Individual and/or group activities: that will be proposed within the moodle platform to apply them in the tasks and activities, it also includes specialized readings that can be reviewed by the participant asynchronously.
The evaluation guideline will be published at the start of the course on the Moodle platform.
Those interested in applying for the course must complete an online registration form available at the following link: You will find a practical guide on how to apply in this system by clicking here.
If it is the first application to an ILPES/CEPAL course, the first step will be to register in the system, attaching to your application your Curriculum Vitae and a signed letter of endorsement from your institution, reflecting the importance that the training activity has for that institution. course. The second step is to apply for the course with your username and password. If you are already registered in SIGCA, you only have to enter with your username and password and then apply for the course.
This marks the beginning of the selection process for the applications that will be received until (September 8, 2023) Information received after this date will not be considered in the selection process. The week of September 18, confirmation of acceptance to the course will be sent via email to those who have been selected, by the selection committee. People who have received this email must confirm their participation in the course no later than 15 days before the start of the course.
The non-confirmation of participation will lead to integrate more applicants who meet the requirements to participate in the course.