
The president of Israel bets on a unity government after the November elections

The president of Israel bets on a unity government after the November elections

Sep. 18 (EUROPA PRESS) –

The president of Israel, Isaac Herzog, has transferred to the outgoing deputies of the Knesset or Israeli Parliament the need to reach an agreement for the formation of a government of national unity after the elections scheduled for November 1 that overcome the current confrontation of blocks.

Herzog would have met with several deputies in recent weeks and would have conveyed this intention to them, as reported on Sunday by Israeli public television, Kan. The Israeli president has the constitutional function of commissioning the formation of a government after an election.

“I want to roll up my sleeves after the elections and work for the widest possible unity government at all costs. Stabilize the system, because the citizens of Israel are tired of this electoral routine,” he said, referring to the five early elections. of the last four years.

Herzog believes that Israeli citizens want a stable government that is effective in security matters and also in economic matters, according to the sources consulted by Kan.

Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu leads a group of parties that according to the latest poll, published on Friday, would win 60 of the 61 seats needed to govern. His rivals, now in power, displaced him with a broad coalition that, however, could crack due to its internal diversity, in particular after the announcement of the Joint Arab-Israeli List, which announced last Thursday that it would concur on two different lists: Hadash -Taal and Balad.

This separation could mean that Balad does not obtain parliamentary representation, according to the polls published by Channel 12 and Channel 13. On the other hand, Netanyahu has achieved a certain unification of the most minority parties that would guarantee them representation.

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