
Google updates Most Searched Playground with a special version for the 2024 Olympics

Google updates Most Searched Playground with a special version for the 2024 Olympics

Aug. 1 (Portaltic/EP) –

Google has launched a new interactive ‘doodle’ called Playground Paris 2024which invites users to explore a map in which they must discover a series of elements distributed on it, such as the most searched sports or the main events of the competition.

Most Searched Playground It is a gaming experience that allows “Search and find 25 trends from the last 25 years”as stated on its website, which brings together a series of recognizable elements in popular culture.

For example, it incorporates members of The Beatles crossing the famous Abbey Road zebra crossing, a Taylor Swift concert, artist Leonardo DaVinci holding the painting of La Gioconda, and Pikachu, Spiderman or Barbie.

Now Google has developed an interactive game available both on the web and in the Chrome mobile app inspired by the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, which places the Eiffel Tower at the centre of its map.

With its usual format, which bears some relation to the style of the series ‘Where is Wally?’, The company’s new work invites users to search for a series of elements related to the sporting event.

For example, games with equipment or athletics, although others are related to this year’s edition, which is taking place in France. Hence, it proposes discovering where a giant croissant is, the Notre Dame cathedral or the duo Daft Punk.

These elements are gathered in blocks of four and, to find them, Google offers a compass that gives a clue. in which direction to look for them. So, once they have all been found, the game gathers them in an interface that also has external links related to them.

In this way, once the whereabouts of the electronic DJ duo has been discovered, a URL is presented that directs to their profile on Google Arts & Culture, where a brief history of this group and the artists who have influenced their career is shown.

As for sports, the game indicates which are the most sought after according to their category –Paralympics, individual events, underwateretc.-, and enter the URL to access the results and other details of this summer tournament.

Once skydiving has been unlocked, the country that most searches for this modality on Google is mentioned – in this case, New Zealand – and is displayed a video of the most spectacular parachute free falls. In the free diving section, on the other hand, it is indicated that it is the most sought-after underwater sport in the world and its link redirects to the deepest immersion in this discipline.

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