The popular messaging app Telegram has been updated to include some interesting new features. In this new version we can find An integrated browser, star gifts, new flash mode for video messages, mini app search engine and some other new features that are already available for users of this application on mobile phones and desktop computers.
Now, the native versions of Telegram add a new browser so that we don’t have to leave the application when we want to browse the content of the WWW. It now allows collapse this browser to the bottom and then reopen it to continue browsing (in mobile apps), also allows add bookmarks to continue where you were.
It has also been added a category in the search box to be able to locate the mini applications available on Telegram. This search will allow you to access the applications or games that you usually use on Telegram or you can also find newwhere you can see videos or screenshots that the developer can upload. Another of the added options is the possibility of give stars to friends. Stars allow you to unlock paid content on channels, which you can now purchase for yourself or give as a gift.
Another new feature is the possibility of use the front flash when you record a video message. Sometimes these were left to us dark If the environment was not well lit, now you can activate the front flash and rear to offer a video message with more light. The option has been added to Share the weather in your storieswhere you can add a animated widget, which will display the temperature along with a sunny, snowy or rainy icon, depending on the weather.
You can check all the news in the entry they have left on his blog.
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