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In Malawi, in Southeast Africa, a week of mourning is being experienced after the devastating effects of Freddy, which is already the longest-lived cyclone in history. There are at least 225 dead, and people are working against the clock to rescue the survivors. The country is now asking for international help.

the strong floods that freddy the storm let to his passed hinder the operations of rescue in Malawi, where further of 88,000 people lost their homes, devastated between powerful landslides of land. HE estimate to the less 41 missing.

He president Lazarus Chakwera promised intensify the search and asked aid international. To the balance provisional of 225 victims deadly in he country, HE addition that this catastrophe HE payment also the life of to the less 63 people in he neighbor Mozambique.

“Grounds flooded with water”

“When it we compare with the storm tropical Ana he year past, believe that this cyclone is further strong. In any case, ha arrived to Malawi with winds further powerful, is further violent. AND there is that give yourself account also of that does already three months that it’s raining. The season of rainy ha started very early this year, in November, So that all the land are drowned of water. There is that grasp that the Malawians further poor live in houses made of brick, of clay without cook, of land that ha molten literally after four of rain without stop,” he told RFI. Marion Péchayre, head of mission for Doctors Without Borders in Malawi.

“Probably the districts further affected are the two districts further to the south, Nsanje and Chikwawa. But have very few news, already that the rainy No they have ceased from he Sunday. Very little people ha I have to access. In the capital there is neighborhoods integers earrings of the hills. We are in height. These neighborhoods generally poor, many of they they have been completely sweeps by the floods,” he continues.

Are the effects of a exceptionally long-lived cyclone, that already there was whipped he south of Africa he past February with powerful rainy torrential Of made, in Malawi HE there was decreed he state of catastrophe.

Freddy is already he cyclone further long-lived of the history and their consequences could to have been still further devastating, of No be by the precision of the forecasts and the alerts early on in March by the organisms international.

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