Science and Tech

10 things you can do with Alexa and you didn’t know

10 things you can do with Alexa and you didn't know

2. Create super lists and send them to someone
If you have a voice assistant in your kitchen, it is very possible that you are constantly telling it to add some fruit or vegetable that has been finished to the shopping list, but many times we want to use this list to go to the supermarket and not precisely to buy the products by Amazon.

In these cases, all you have to do is tell your voice assistant to send the shopping list to your contact or your partner’s contact so that they can be updated on the missing products without having to download another app. , apart from Alexa’s.

3. Find a coffee shop while driving
The integration of Alexa with some General Motors car models was announced during CES, but many users do not know how useful this new format can be. For example, it is possible to ask the assistant for a nearby coffee shop or in case you are traveling it can serve as a means of entertainment.

The assistant works through the connection that your car has and uses the data from it, but it can be very useful to play with your children the Question of the day or other skills in case they are on the road.

4.Send to print
This new integration applies to some printers that are compatible with the voice assistant and works similarly to other smart products that you can connect to your case. In the same way that you send your home to be vacuumed, it is now possible to print some of the lists or information that Alexa has just by telling her.

5.Measure indoor air quality
Although a device called Smart Quality Air is needed to achieve this measurement, it is possible to integrate the information that this device collects and send you an alert if the CO2 increases in your home. This is especially useful because you can monitor a dinner or space without having to be there.

6.Open the blinds
As with the indoor air monitor, special hardware is required to do this. There are several electric motors on the market that are compatible with your intelligent voice assistant and that allow you to integrate this action into your routine. You can even just say: Good morning Alexa and the assistant will help you to have a special atmosphere every morning.

7. Make smart devices that are not
Do you want to wake up and your coffee is done but you don’t have a smart coffee maker? There is a hack that allows you to do it but you will need a Smart Plug compatible with the voice assistant. In addition to coffee machines, it is possible to put other connections to work, for example the lights on your balcony that you forgot to turn off before going to sleep and that you can turn off from your bed by simply deactivating this device.

8. Move your music from one room to another
Maybe you’re taking a shower and getting ready to go to the office while music is playing in your room and you want to go cook, but instead of opening your smartphone to put the music somewhere else, you just need to tell Alexa: send the music to the kitchen. To be successful in this mission, it is also necessary to have a dot or a speaker compatible with this voice assistant.

9.Put on a movie or change the streaming service
This option will only be possible with televisions that have Alexa integrated or that are with a Fire TV Stick and it will be very easy to give it an order because from the control you can tell it to enter a particular service, search for a movie and play it. Although it is already very intelligent, it is still not possible for the assistant to choose the movie for you.

10. Have a smart home at a more affordable price
In the market there are smart lights, smart plugs, lamps, vacuum cleaners and other cheaper devices that are compatible with the Amazon assistant. For example, Lloyd’s, one of the few Mexican brands that have attended CES, has some devices with infrared that make a more basic television smart and can have functions that are almost as current as the latest high-end televisions on the market.

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