
Zelensky calls for putting Ukraine “under the umbrella of NATO” to appease Russia and recover what was lost through diplomatic means

Zelensky calls for putting Ukraine "under the umbrella of NATO" to appease Russia and recover what was lost through diplomatic means

The president of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskysuggested this Friday that a ceasefire agreement could be reached in the Ukraine war if the territory it currently controls remained “under the umbrella of NATO” and could negotiate the return of the rest later diplomatically.

“If we want to end the ‘hot phase’ of the war, we need to bring the territory of Ukraine that we have under control under the NATO umbrella. We need to do it quickly and then the “The rest of the (occupied) territory can be recovered through diplomatic channels.”the Ukrainian leader said in an interview with SkyNews.

Zelensky thus responded to veteran correspondent Stuart Ramsay, who asked the Ukrainian to react to reports from some media outlets that said that one of the plans of the president-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, to end the war in Ukraine could be that kyiv ceded to Russia the land that Moscow has annexed in exchange for joining NATO.

In this sense, Zelensky commented that no one has officially offered them “to enter NATO with only part of Ukraine” and that to ensure that the president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, did not return to take more Ukrainian territory, a ceasefire was necessary and that the Alliance “immediately” cover the part of the country under kyiv’s control.

However, he clarified: “The invitation should be extended to Ukraine under its internationally recognized bordersyou cannot include only part of the country. Because? Because then you would admit that Ukraine is only that part of the territory and that the other part is Russia”, something that would go against the Ukrainian Constitution.

En la primera entrevista de Zelenski a medios británicos desde la victoria electoral de Trump, el presidente ucraniano dijo que tendrá que trabajar con el nuevo mandatario estadounidense y con su equipo para tener “el mayor apoyo”, y confesó que en su encuentro el pasado mes de septiembre en Nueva York tuvieron una conversación “muy cálida, buena y constructiva”.

Según apunta Sky News, es también la primera vez que Zelenski insinúa un acuerdo de alto el fuego que incluyese el control ruso de parte del territorio ucraniano, pues a lo largo de todo el conflicto siempre se mostró reacio a ceder partes del país a Rusia, incluida Crimea, anexionada desde 2014, y Donetsk, Jersón, Luhansk y Zaporiya, declaradas unilateralmente rusas desde septiembre de 2022.

La guerra en Ucrania ha escalado rápidamente en estas últimas semanas, especialmente después de que Estados Unidos diese luz verde a Kiev para usar misiles de largo alcance contra objetivos militares en territorio ruso; a lo que Putin ha respondido recientemente con ataques múltiples y los nuevos misiles balísticos hipersónicos Oréshnik.

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