economy and politics

Yolanda Díaz says that she agreed with Sánchez to "disagreement" about prostitution: "It was not in the coalition agreement"

Yolanda Díaz says that she agreed with Sánchez to "disagreement" about prostitution: "It was not in the coalition agreement"

Yolanda Díaz assures that the differences that Sumar and the PSOE have exhibited this Tuesday regarding prostitution were agreed in advance and that that is why a law like the one that the socialists have tried to implement in Congress was not included in the coalition agreement. to punish pimping “in all its forms.” The Plenary has overturned the consideration of the law with the sole support of the 122 deputies of the PSOE. The plurinational group voted against it after an internal debate lasting several weeks.

In an interview on TVE’s Channel 24 Hours, Díaz downplayed the disagreement with his Government partner regarding this issue. “This rule was not included in the government agreement and what we have done is agreed between the president and me,” she said when asked about this matter to specify that there was an agreement on the “disagreement” on this matter.

Díaz has acknowledged that within Sumar’s own parliamentary group there are “diverse positions” but has highlighted that in a press appearance this morning, deputies of different sensitivities appeared together. Gala Pin, from the Comuns, with “pro-rights” positions, and Engracia Rivera, from Izquierda Unida, traditionally more abolitionist, participated in that press conference.

In tonight’s interview, the general coordinator of Sumar focused on the theses of that first group. “Prostitution cannot be prohibited,” she has defended. “It is a fact that [la prostitución] It exists and we can say that we want people with a chance for life and a future. The facts have a lot to do with the lack of alternative life. This can be combined with the provision of rights”, he argued below.

Díaz has also criticized the rule that the PSOE brought to the Lower House this Tuesday for containing a “prohibitionist aroma.” “I want a society in which people can live with a high quality of life and requirements. That is combinable with giving rights to people who engage in prostitution,” he insisted in his argument.

The text that was debated this Tuesday in Congress was practically identical to the one that the PSOE also carried during the last legislature. So, in taking into consideration the norm, the first step so that it can be processed, the confederal space of Unidas Podemos was divided but the majority of the vote was in favor of studying the text. Only the commons were in the ‘no’. Now, with Sumar, the entire coalition has directed its position towards that of the Catalans to reject the processing of the law.

“Many of the women who practice it find themselves in situations of transphobia, racism, poverty… and their proposal does not address any of these structural issues, it only criminalizes them. They do not propose any solution, any economic, support, or labor proposal. If they want to effectively expand and guarantee the rights of women who practice prostitution, they have to repeal the immigration law and the gag law,” Gala Pin, a member of the Commons (integrated into Sumar), defended her position on Tuesday.

The socialist Andrea Fernández responded in her speech to the argument that her proposal could leave women who practice prostitution in more vulnerable situations: “But where do you think those women are now?”

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