economy and politics

Would Latin America be the region most affected by El Niño?

El Niño phenomenon

The concept that the world economy has of Latin America is that of a region with several markets important and emergingbut who have not been able to achieve development due to their own situations or those of others, be it due to internal problems or by factors such as weather and natural disasters that, in one way or another, end up affecting the economy of these countries.

The case of this region of the world is special, because according to the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR)Latin America is the area of ​​the world that suffers the most negative consequences due to climatic factors.

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The American continent is the region of the world that suffers the most economic losses as a result of climate-related disasters and it is in this region that we will strongly feel the impact of the El Niño phenomenon.“, he stated for Portfolio Nahuel Arenas, regional head (ai) of the UNDRR for the Americas and the Caribbean.

Arena explains that the region must prepare for the future with the El Niño phenomenon “not in an alarmist way, but from the point of view that we have time to prepare for these impacts, so that we can minimize them“.

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As mentioned by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)one of the effects that the El Niño phenomenon would have in the region would be the worsening of the food insecurity, andThis taking into account that Latin American countries have a strong agricultural activity.

That could bring relief to some drought-stricken areas like the Horn of Africa, but could spell trouble for other parts of Africa, Central America and Far East Asia.“, explained the FAO. “In northern parts of South America there is also a risk of possible dryness, while Australia normally sees a decrease in rainfall“, he added.

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El Niño phenomenon.


What is the El Niño phenomenon?

As the Ideam explains, “The El Niño phenomenon is a climatic event that is generated every certain number of years by the warming of the Pacific Ocean. Its effects are notable in the north of the Pacific region, the departments of the Andean region and in the departments of the Caribbean region.”

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The region, bordering the Pacific Ocean from Mexico until the Chilean patagoniain addition to the predetermined climatic conditions of the region, make the effects of El Niño more direct and, therefore, more forceful in a region characterized by its economic, political, social and environmental instability.


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