economy and politics

Workshop on Foreign Trade Statistics of Goods by Company Characteristics | 2024


Lima, Peru

October 17 and 18, 2024

Under the auspices of the Development Bank of Latin America and the Caribbean (CAF), the General Secretary of the Andean Community in coordination with the Pro Tempore Presidency of Colombia and, with the assistance of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, during On October 17 and 18, in the city of Lima, at the Headquarters of the General Secretariat of the Andean Community, a Second Edition of the Workshop “Statistics on foreign trade in goods by company characteristics” will be held. The workshop will have the contribution of national delegates from the Statistical Institutes, Central Banks, and institutions linked to foreign trade of the Member Countries of the Andean Community.

The working days will feature individual presentations on the progress made in the generation and registration of foreign trade statistics of goods according to company characteristics in each of the four CAN Member Countries.

The General Secretariat of the CAN will present an overview of the expected results after the follow-up work carried out during 2024, starting from the technical workshop held in December 2023. Likewise, a special session on the use of administrative records for production will be added. of foreign trade statistics of goods according to company characteristics, in light of international experiences, and the progress presented by the Statistics Institutes, in coordination with Customs offices, Central Banks, and other agencies linked to the collection of statistics by economic agents.

The sharing of national results achieved after the compilation and coordination of all participating entities in each country will form an active part of the workshop. Additionally, ECLAC will present a broad view of the state of similar statistics in other countries in the region, adding the possible outputs and uses of statistics by economic agent to strengthen the statistical and analytical heritage necessary in decision-making linked to Andean Integration. .

Among the topics to be discussed during the conference, some of the main elements are listed:

  1. International experiences in collecting statistics according to company characteristics.

  2. National experiences in generating statistical records according to company characteristics.

  3. National results of foreign trade statistics according to company characteristics.

  4. Uses of foreign trade statistics according to economic agents.

  5. Andean dialogue on mechanisms for the transmission of information.

  6. Potential use of the resulting national databases to strengthen regional integration.

  7. Related topics in order to deepen and maximize trade statistics according to company characteristics: value chains, employment, productivity, and services.

For more information, please see the attached agenda.

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