
Woman jailed after her morbidly obese dog dies

Spain considers banning the breeding of potentially dangerous dogs that fail a test


26 Jul 2024 10:16 GMT

The owner fed her pet, who weighed more than 50 kilos and had difficulty moving, ten pieces of chicken every day.

A New Zealand woman was jailed for overfeeding your dog to deathwho suffered from morbid obesity, communicated the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) announced on Wednesday.

The woman was sentenced to two months in prison for not meeting the physical, behavioral and health needs of her dog Nuggi, causing his death. The pet, which weighed 53.7 kilogramswas found in 2021 and taken to an SPCA facility, where she was examined by a veterinarian. According to the organization, Nuggi was so obese that it was not possible to hear his heart with a stethoscope.because the sound could not penetrate the fat. The animal was also unable to walk even ten metres (it had to stop three times to catch its breath), and had many warts on its skin and suffered from conjunctivitis.

Spain considers banning the breeding of potentially dangerous dogs that fail a test

The defendant said she fed her dog with between eight and ten pieces of chicken every dayas well as dog biscuits. “Nuggi was certainly one of the most obese animals we have ever seen,” the SPCA chief executive said, adding that he was so “huge” he could barely walk and was “clearly suffering” from the amount of weight he was carrying.

The dog spent about two months under the care of the organization, however, despite the progress in his diet, died of acute hemorrhage caused by a rupture in her liver. The owner will also have to pay 1,222 New Zealand dollars (about 720 US dollars) in compensation, and will not be able to have dogs for 12 months.

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