economy and politics

With AMLO, 10.4 million taxpayers have joined the SAT

With AMLO, 10.4 million taxpayers have joined the SAT

It was during the Peña Nieto administration, when the public prosecutor, in charge of Aristotle Nunez Started with automation processes to quickly and effectively detect discrepancies between the income and bills of taxpayers; digitization of processes; and actions against billing companies also known as ghost.

If we divide taxpayers into individuals and companies (moral persons), the largest number of individuals registered as employees, freelancers, with business activity, or tenants, was in the Peña Nieto administration, while in the first four years Felipe Calderón was when the largest number of companies were created.

During the current administration, the actions of the SAT, in charge of Antonio Martinez Dagninoand previously of Raquel Buenrostrohave focused on strengthening actions against fraud and the tax evasion, giving them a more judicial character; collect more taxes for reviews of previous years to companies (moral persons) already registered in the SAT. The digitization and automation process that began in 2007 has also advanced.

Of the three governments, the recent one is the one with the lowest number of new legal entities in the SAT registry, but the greatest growth and recovery in SAT tax collection, so far in the administration, has been due to voluntary payment and under supervision of large taxpayers.

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