economy and politics

With AI, What Will Jobs Be Like in the Future? This Is What LinkedIn’s Co-Founder Says

With AI, What Will Jobs Be Like in the Future? This Is What LinkedIn's Co-Founder Says

Seven years ago, the Co-founder of the professional social network LinkedIn, Reid Hoffmangave his opinion on what could happen to jobs in the future with the implementation of the artificial intelligence (AI) in the world.

And it is that from the furor that has generated ChatGPTsome jobs have been evaluated for possible replacement by this technology, in addition to the fact that Many companies are already training their employees to use AI to implement new processes.

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Although many executives and managers do not believe that a solution will be reached, removal of charges Because of this technology, they do see the possibility that the way some companies operate will be altered.

In an interview with the actor and philanthropist Ashton KutcherHoffman mentions that he would advise his children not to study through deep learning models or so-called LLMs, which provide huge amounts of data, but to focus on “work hard, learn and be kind because kindness is going to matter more”.

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Could AI replace human labor?

According to an article, published on LinkedIn, which discusses the topic, Cristian Camilo Sánchez, payroll leader at Johnson & Johnsonmentions that artificial intelligence does not come to replace humans, but to enhance their capabilities.

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Similarly, it could free humans from repetitive tasks, making much more important tasks that only humans can perform more efficient.

He also mentioned that human judgment cannot be replaced by a machine or technology because human capabilities are required for the contextualization of specific scenarios and for making important decisions for companies.

*With information from EL TIEMPO – DIGITAL REACH

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