economy and politics

With $2.7 billion delivered in 2024, Bancolombia leads housing disbursements

Mauricio Rosillo, Corporate Vice President of Bancolombia

Bancolombia said it has become the leader in housing disbursements in the country, with $2.7 billion delivered to more than 20,300 households so far in 2024.

The amount, which represents an annual increase of 25.4% in the disbursements made by the entity compared to the results of the same period of the previous year, is equivalent to a growth above the market average, which is 8.9%.

Read: Housing should not be a privilege, but a possibility for all

“At Bancolombia, we want housing to be a goal achieved by all Colombians, because we know that it is not only about the possibility of owning a home, but also one of the ways to have more security, stability and shared well-being. This vision has led us to simplify and digitalize our offering in recent years so that families’ housing projects are increasingly agile, accessible and efficient,” says Mauricio Rosillo, Vice President of Business at Bancolombia.

Among the strategies that the entity has implemented to achieve its leadership and preference in the sector is the reduction of interest rates to 10% EA in pesos for housing loans and non-family housing leasing in projects financed by Bancolombia; and 11% EA in pesos for new housing loans in projects not financed by the bank, loans for the acquisition and remodeling of used housing, construction of individual housing and portfolio purchases.

Mauricio Rosillo, Corporate Vice President of Bancolombia.

The push is not only focused on the best rates for clients, it is an ecosystem of solutions around this dream and that is why there is the zero-cost appraisal where the bank assumes the value of the appraisal for those properties that meet the established criteria. This is a direct saving for the new owner.

Digitalization also supports this process, in which customer engagement can be done through digital forms, online document signatures, and other processes linked to virtual service channels. “We expect to close 2024 with a total of 5.8 billion pesos invested in this portfolio. In addition, a key fact is that 70% of the financing we disburse at Bancolombia is for the acquisition of new housing, which demonstrates our commitment to the dynamism of the sector, the promotion of employment and the economic reactivation of the country,” adds Rosillo.

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