Science and Tech

Winamp media player will open its source code on September 24

Winamp media player will open its source code on September 24

May 17. (Portaltic/EP) –

The multimedia player Winamp has announced that will open its source code on September 24 with the aim of allowing the collaborative development to “help this iconic software evolve” in its version for Windows.

Winamp is a Free multimedia playback softwareinitially designed for Windows, whose use was very common in the 90s. In 2010, the company launched an application for Android smartphones and a year later it came to iOS to finally open a a website in 2013shortly before began its decline. With all this, the player launched in April 2023 a new web version for mobile and desktop devices.

Now, Winamp has announced that, the September 24 of this year will put availability of developers globally their codeso that “the entire community participates in its development.”

As the company has detailed in a statement on their websitethe opening of your code is “a invitation to global collaboration”, with which it aims to facilitate the developers contribute by providing their experience and ideas and, with this, help multimedia playback ‘software’ “evolve”.

As stated by the Winamp CEO Alexandre Saboundjianthe company intends focus your resources on new players for mobile and other platforms. However, he has also stressed that they do not want to “forget the tens of millions of users” who use the Winamp ‘software’ on Windows.

Thus, the opening of its code is one more step in the history of Winamp, which will offer the possibility of collaborative development and will collect the experience and creativity “of thousands of developers.”

Even so, the company has pointed out that Winamp will continue to be the owner of the software and, therefore, will continue to be in charge of the decisions about innovations to be introduced in the official version, Saboundjian added.

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