
Wilders’ radical right-wing government successfully formed in the Netherlands

Wilders' radical right-wing government successfully formed in the Netherlands

The radical right of Geert Wilders has successfully completed this Monday the formation of a Government in the Netherlandsin coalition with three other right-wing parties, which will have as prime minister Dick Schoof, an expert in security and asylum, leading a team of ministers with political experience.

According to the report presented this Monday to Parliament, the future government will haveto 15 ministers And, despite the initial promise that half of them would be technocrats, eventually all the members of the cabinet come from politics: five from the radical right of the PVV, four from the liberal VVD, four from the Christian Democrat NSC and two from the BBB peasant party.

The new Dutch cabinet, which will not include Wilders or any of the leaders of the other three parties, will spend the next two months detailing the government program after taking office this Tuesday, ending almost 14 years of liberal legislatures Mark Ruttewho says goodbye to politics to assume the general secretary of NATO in October.

The report, presented by mediator Richard van Zwol, indicates that the future government program “will be presented to the Estates General in time for Budget Day” on Tuesday September, 17th, and will also “be dedicated to the legislative quality and viability of the political and legislative proposals” that the initial agreement sets out in general terms.

The document, which does not offer much information on how the government pact will be applied, emphasizes that the planned cuts to government employees will be made in a “responsible and achievable manner” and “special attention will be paid to the importance of a adequate supervision (inspections) and an adequate network of missions abroad.”

The four parties have included in their agreement a 22% reduction in public servicewhich alarmed many ministries, such as Foreign Affairs, which fear the closure of embassies.

Early in the morning, the new team of ministers met formally for the first time in what is called a “constitutive meeting,” under the leadership of Schoof and Van Zwol.

The far-right MP Fleur Agema (PVV) She stressed that she was “very proud” to be the future Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Public Health of the “most right-wing” cabinet in Dutch history, although “with a warm social heart,” he noted. “I’ll take care of it,” she promised.

His colleague from the PVV, Marjolein Faber, who will be in charge of the new Ministry of Migration and Asylum, spoke of “a historic day” for the Netherlands and stressed that she does not want to “look back, only forward”, when asked about her defense of “ethnic substitution”, the conspiracy theory of the Great Replacement, which she believes Immigrants are “repopulating” the West.

Both Faber and the far-right deputy Reinette Klever, who will be minister of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, They were widely criticized for having used racist statements and terminology known from National Socialism in the past. “I’m not going to say anything more about that,” Klever concluded today.

In parliamentary hearings in recent weeks, Faber distanced himself from the term “ethnic substitution,” with Klever describing it as “a factual description of a demographic development.”

Van Zwol will meet King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands today and introduce him to Schoof, ahead of the inauguration on Tuesday.

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