Science and Tech

Who is The Dawn Project, the mysterious group that has created this brutal anti-Tesla ad for the Super Bowl

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Today is celebrated the super bowl, in whose breaks are broadcast ads that cost a million. A anti-Tesla ad with abuses of child mannequins and other atrocities at the wheel asks withdraw autonomous driving of the Tesla.

The Super Bowl is like a Real Madrid – FC Barcelona soccer final, but in a crazy way. It brings together the majority of North Americans in front of the television, and the commercials that are broadcast are the most viewed of the year. Also, the ones that cost the most.

Along with the typical commercials of the main brands and companies, in the United States they are usually broadcast from time to time advertisements that are not usual in Spain: individuals or private groups that denounce an alleged injustice. Normally they tend to be focused on politics, but not always, as we are going to see.

The brutal anti-Tesla ad

Tonight dozens of millions of Americans are going to see, between plays of the super bowla very special announcement, which directly attack Tesla. Specifically, to your autopilot or Full Sell-driving, the mode of autonomous driving.

It’s an advertisement created by a group called The Dawn Project, which calls for “making computers safe for Humanity”. You can see it here. I’m sure Elon Musk will be furious when he sees it:

As we can see, the 30-second ad shows a Tesla Model 3 with mode Full Self-Driving either autonomous driving activated.

This mode allows the car to steer, brake and accelerate, avoid obstacles and follow the road. has been approved for use in residential cities, but it is mandatory that the driver is sitting in his seat ready to take the wheel in the face of any danger. Something that in many registered accidents did not happen.

The video shows how the Tesla runs over child dummies and baby carriages, which apparently does not see. He also skips traffic lights and no-entry signs that are not conventional. For example, when a school bus is picking up children, or when there has been an accident.

Along with this video, in the networks you can easily find others with different accidents of the autonomous driving mode of the Tesla.

This Full-Self Driving it is an “extra” for which you have to pay an additional 15,000 dollars. They currently have it implanted 400,000 Tesla vehicles in United States.

Who is The Dawn Project?

A super bowl ad it costs tens of millions of dollars, so few can afford it, let alone private groups.

The Dawn Project is a non-profit organization founded by Dan O’Dowdwhich defines itself on your website as “the world’s foremost expert in creating software that never fails and cannot be hacked.”

Dan O’Dowd created the secure operating systems for such projects as Boeing’s 787s, Lockheed Martin’s F-35 fighters, Boeing’s B1-B intercontinental nuclear bomber, and NASA’s Orion rover.

This security expert he has become a multimillionaire with his work, and he is investing part of this money in promoting that computers are safe for humans.

For The Dawn Project he autonomous driving software of Tesla it is a disaster that can end up taking lives in an accident, and that is why it is putting pressure on American politicians and public opinion to remove it from circulationuntil it is safe.

Dan O’Dowd himself does not consider himself an anti-Tesla, since he himself has several cars of the brand, and the Roaster is his favorite vehicle, as he explains in an interview in The Washington Post.

We don’t know if it’s because of these efforts by The Dawn Project, but NHTSA is already reviewing the videos and accident reports, to review security of the total autonomous driving of the Tesla.

The issue returned to public opinion a few weeks ago, when it was discovered that the video that Tesla published in 2016 with a car he was driving alone, it was supposedly a setup. Tesla did not have the technology ready at the time.

the brutal anti-Tesla ad of the super bowl created by The Dawn Project it can have a major effect on public opinion, because the video is quite graphic, and will be seen by tens of millions of viewers.

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