
Who does not have to declare taxes in the US and what is the income limit?

(Spanish ) – Should you make your tax declaration in the United States? It is very likely that the answer is yes, but with the deadline approaching it is better to get out of doubt and be clear if you are a rare exception or if it is time to gather your documents and speed up your statement.

Who have to declare? The majority of US citizens and people who work in the US must pay taxes depending on their gross income, their marital status and age, as illustrated by the following table:

According to the tax preparation tool TurbotaxThey do not need to submit their tax declaration If all the following Apply to your situation:

  • If your income is less than your standard deduction, you generally do not have to submit a statement (as long as you do not have a type of income that requires you to submit a statement for other reasons, such as your own job income).
  • In most cases, if you only receive social security benefits, you will not have to submit a tax declaration.
  • If you only receive social security benefits and also receive taxes exempt from taxes, the exempt tax income could cause your social security benefits to be taxable.
  • Taxpayers who are claimed as dependents in someone’s tax declaration must submit a tax declaration if their income is more than their standard deduction, or, for some children, when their income does not earn exceeds US $ 1,350 in 2025
  • You are under 65 years old
  • Your marital status is single
  • You have no special circumstance that requires a tax declaration. For example, you receive your own income.
  • You want less than US $ 164,660, which is the standard deduction established for 2022 for a taxpayer.

He Internal Tax Service (IRS, for its acronym in English), recommends that people present their tax declaration, even if they do not have to do so that they could claim credits such as: the tax for entry of work (EITC), the Tax for children, for education and reimbursement recovery.

In addition, they could also have the right to reimbursement. The IRS recommends submitting a statement if you apply to any of these situations:

  • They retained some income tax of your pay.
  • You made estimated tax payments for the year or some of your overpagos last year was applied to this year’s estimated tax.

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