Science and Tech

While recording the solar eclipse, he discovers two flying objects that scientists cannot explain

A video shows the four "aquastronauts" who have been on the Chinese space station for 20 days

A plane? A satellite? The International Space Station? Nothing fits with the two unidentified flying objects, discovered during the last solar eclipse.

Space is a place full of mysteries and surprises. The enigma of two flying objects that sped past during the last solar eclipsehas not been resolved yet.

Aerospace engineer Destin Sandlin has a YouTube channel called Smarter Every Day, which has more than 11 million followers. He is passionate about solar eclipses, and has not missed any. It was he who captured the spectacular image of the International Space Station crossing the Sun, which you can see in the video below.

Like many thousands of other astronomy fans, he recorded the solar eclipse on April 8 with his telescope. Upon reviewing the images, he discovered two strange flying objects crossing at full speed on both sides of the Sun. What are they?

UFO mystery during solar eclipse

Several astronomers and other world-renowned scientists have reviewed the footage, and no one can give an exact answer.

These objects fly too fast to be satellites or airplanes, and are too small to be a space station. Furthermore, due to its position, they shouldn’t shine.

You can see them at the beginning and in the middle of this video, but you have to look closely, because they are very small and fly very fast:

Destin Sandlin’s first impression is that they are satellites, because they fly very straight and they both pass close to the sun almost in succession.

So he decided to consult astronomer Jonathan McDowell, the world’s leading expert on satellite tracking, as can be seen in his delightfully old-fashioned Web page.

McDowell believes they are not satellites, because they fly too fast. So your conclusion is that they are… insects. Perspective deceives us, and although they appear to be at the height of the sun, they are possibly only in front of the telescope, which is why they pass so quickly. But the story does not end here…

After doing some quick calculations, Jonathan McDowell concluded that Its speed was compatible with that of the satellitesso it cannot be ruled out that they are not.

Since then other scientists have given their opinion on the subject. For some they are satellites, for others insects, and even meteorites.

The mystery of flying objects during the solar eclipse has not yet been solved. Will we find out one day?

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