economy and politics

Where will the money for the Development Plan projects come from?

Where will the money for the Development Plan projects come from?

The National Development Plan presented by the Government of Gustavo Petro proposes investments for the next four years for $1,154.8 billionof which almost half would come from the General Budget.

(Petro’s road map for his four years of government).

Despite the high investment, the government proposes that the fiscal rule will be respected, that is, that the resources of the structural income and the booms will not be touched.

It should be noted that the fiscal rule It is a tool that limits and measures excess expenses so that they cannot exceed the established income.

Given this, the government is committed to financing the plan with part of the resources of the budget and the recently approved tax reform, and with austerity strategies in state entities in order to achieve macroeconomic stability.

Nevertheless, Carlos Alberto Garzón, Secretary General of the Human Development and Capability Associationsees it as something difficult to comply with the fiscal rule due to the high exchange and interest rates that are affecting the Colombian economy at this time.

(Colombia would have a universal social protection system).

“Either you comply with the fiscal rule or you implement the development plan”said the expert in a Portfolio Live this week, taking into account the conditions and the macroeconomic situation of the country.

In this regard, the Minister of Finance, José Antonio Ocampo, pointed out in the filing of the bill of the National Development Plan, that this “It contains a large number of useful instruments for economic, social and environmental advancement. In addition to the multi-year investment plan”.

(The most controversial articles of the National Development Plan).

For his part, President Gustavo Petro insisted on the need to produce to generate wealth and for it to reach the popular economyone of the pillars of his project, which would have a return to the fiscal accounts.

“Producing is the basis of wealth, it is consigned in the National Development Plan.
We have to take the current circumstances, there is a bill in Congress so that the credit financed from the budget reaches the popular economy, which is that of San Victorino, that of the search. Half of Colombians live in the shambles,”
the president stressed.


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