economy and politics

When do they pay the Citizen Income Care Assessment in Colombia?

Care Assessment

The department of Social Prosperity through Citizen Income Its main objective is to financially support vulnerable sectors residing in the national territory through a series of deposits. Taking this situation into account, some beneficiaries of Care Assessment consultations are made regarding the next dates established for the collection of this subsidy.

Care Assessment


When will be the next Care Assessment payment date?

Gustavo Bolivar, Director of Social Prosperity, said that this year 5 cycles will be paid (2 of them double to complete the respective 7).

(See more: Citizen Income: How do I know if I have a balance in Banco Agrario?)

Although this matter was mentioned in August, Unfortunately, payments for the month of September were not made in a timely manner. For this reason, further developments are expected and will be reported through the entity’s digital and official channels.

Below is the list of the dates stipulated by this institution for transfers to be made to beneficiaries:

Cycle 3 – double:
September 11 (all beneficiaries in extreme poverty of Income and Refund) A section is made on non-payment by the authorities.

Cycle 4 – double: October 30 (all beneficiaries in extreme poverty of Income and Refund)

Cycle 5: December 26 (all beneficiaries in extreme poverty of Income and Refund)

(See more: VAT refund 2024: how to check if you are a beneficiary with your ID number?)

How much are the 2024 Care Assessment payments worth?

Care Assessment

Care Assessment


The amounts provided in this line are close to $500,000, an amount that will be settled every 45 days. It is worth remembering that to join this type of program there is no type of registration. It is added that Prosperidad Social has a stage of identification and also linking of this type of households through previously defined registries.

(See more: Colombia Without Hunger: How to know if you are a beneficiary with the ID card?)

It is therefore suggested that the individuals involved update the information from the Sisbén IV survey and also pay attention to the different publications that are made in the different official channels that the entity has or even through the mayors of each municipality.

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