Science and Tech

WhatsApp now allows you to transfer chat history between ‘smartphones’ with a QR

WhatsApp now allows you to transfer chat history between 'smartphones' with a QR

June 30 (Portaltic/EP) –

WhatsApp has announced a process for transfer chat history between devices with the same operating system without having to exit the application using a QR code.

The messaging platform allows you to transfer your history and files to a new ‘smartphone’ using a cloud copy or using a cable to connect the two devices. From this Friday it is also possible to do so by scanning a QR code.

In this case, the transfer process is limited to two devices using the same operating system (Android or iOS) and allows you to do it without having to leave the application, just keeping the two phones close, as they explain from WhatsApp in a statement.

It is also, a more private process, since it does not use third-party applications, which may lack clear privacy practices, or cloud services. As they explain from WhatsApp, “the transfer process is authenticated with a QR code, the data is only shared between your two devices and is fully encrypted during the transfer.”

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