Science and Tech

What will ChatGPT 5 be able to do? An AI expert reveals a disturbing future

How to jailbreak ChatGPT to unlock its full potential and use AI without restrictions

From the perspective of Jon Hernandezan expert in artificial intelligence, the arrival of ChatGPT 5 could mean a radical change in the work landscape, with the Loss of more than 700,000 jobs“We want AI to do our job, but not take it away from us,” he emphasizes.

According to Hernandez, the key is to redefine the production model to adapt to this new technological era. Since “In 1,000 years, humans will not be working or work will be a completely different concept.”

The expert also says that AI will transform key sectors such as transportation“cars will be self-driving,” or that factories “will be made with robots, robots will make robots to do our laundry.” This evolution, according to Hernández, is inevitable and will require profound adjustments in the way we understand work and productivity.

The impact ChatGPT 5 will have on the world

Another point of concern is the control of data by Tech giants like Google, Meta and Tesla. Hernandez warns that these companies could end up having more power than governments themselves, which could require significant regulatory interventions in the near future.

As for Open AI’s ChatGPT, Hernandez describes its evolution from a basic tool to a sophisticated model, and anticipates that the next generation, ChatGPT 5 will reach a level of complexity equivalent to a PhD.

Hernández also considers that humanity will one day debate whether to give rights to AI systems, like animals. This could be a crucial point in the future debate on the relationship between humans and intelligent machines.

Finally, the expert reflects on the future of education in a world dominated by AI, “the time will come when It is of no use teaching knowledge to children “We can already develop our thinking because everything can be done by an AI system,” he says. This change could have a profound impact on areas such as art and culture.

Without a doubt, Hernandez It presents a disturbing panorama and that “there is no turning back”he says. His predictions underline the need for a global dialogue on the limits and implications of this technology, which is shaping the future of humanity.

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Tags: Chrome, Artificial Intelligence

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