Science and Tech

What revolutionized national e-commerce? The corner store

What revolutionized national e-commerce?  The corner store

An example cited by the specialist is that of the dark stores, warehouses in which the stores have products of common use to deliver them to their customers in a few hours. Names like Jüsto, Jokr or Merqueo are success stories in this scenario.

E-commerce figures in Mexico support growth

According to data from the Mexican Association of Online Sales (AMVO), Mexico was the country with the highest growth in online sales for retail in the world during 2021, with 27%, the same as India, and above Brazil, with 26.8%.

Mexican consumers became more aware of the possibilities they had in the digital channel, explains Gaviria, and proof of this was the value of the industry in the country amounted to 401,000 million pesos, in addition to the fact that users used the virtual experience to perform queries, validate products and make purchases.

And although there is a challenging economic outlook, the expert points out that growth for Mexico will continue for the next three or four years. During this 2022, an example that the digital channel has not slowed down was the Hot Sale, an event in which historical sales of 23,240 million pesos were recorded.

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