Science and Tech

What is WordPress and what is it for?

WordPress is one of the most used and recognized tools by those who have experience using and creating websites and blogs on the Internet. You have probably heard about WordPress, even if you are not very clear about what it is. To solve all your doubts we will explain what is WordPress and what is it for nowadays.

What is WordPress?

WordPress is what is known in the online ecosystem as a content management system or CMS. These types of systems allow you to create and maintain both blogs and websites on the Internet. WordPress has been on the web for more than 10 years and today it is used by millions of people around the world every day, because it allows you to create all kinds of websites, even the most complex ones.

On the internet you can find a lot of information about WordPress, within your options you can see the wordpress tutorials of web company, which contains links to all the resources you will need to create your WordPress website. So you have enough resources to discover WordPress for yourself and see what you are capable of creating with this tool.

What is WordPress for?

WordPress can be used for multiple purposes, as it offers different functions to choose from for each user. It is the most flexible CMS that exists and allows you to extend its capabilities thanks to an innovative plugin system. Among the options that you have at your fingertips thanks to WordPress we find the following:


It is the most well-known and popular functionality of WordPress. This CMS incorporates everything you may need to create a professional blog, such as displaying articles in a blog format, organizing articles by tags or categories, or adding the option to allow comments on posts or entries. In the same way, different modules or widgets can be added, such as a search engine, the list of most read blog articles or a list by categories. Thanks to all this, it is known as the best online tool to create a blog that exists today.

corporate websites

WordPress can also be used for create a corporate website for a company or freelancer. On this business website you can enter information about the company’s product and/or service offerings, a description of its history, who makes it up or what clients it has. As it offers a multitude of templates and design options available, each company can create a fully customized corporate website adjusted to its aesthetic criteria and its corporate image. It can include sections for a forum, blog, directory or a contact form to address questions, resolutions or business proposals.

Online stores

The creation of online stores with WordPress is also very common. Although other content managers such as Magento or Prestashop are also widely used, WordPress is the leader in this market. For this, it has a multitude of plugins to create a perfect online storeas may be the best known of them, which is WooCommerce.

It’s easy to create an online store with all the features you need by adding different payment systems, discounts, product and category descriptions, order management or shipping to quickly deliver to customers. WooCommerce also allows you to add many other specific plugins, such as credit card payment gateways or automatic invoice generation, among many others.

Other WordPress features

In addition to all of the above, WordPress can be used for many other purposes that, although less popular, are also very necessary for some companies. We are talking about creating support forums for companies, for create a video channel to upload content or to create a booking management website when you own a rural house or tourist accommodation. All this is possible thanks to the thousands of themes, templates and plugins that you can use to create a website with endless possibilities.

As you can see, WordPress offers the possibility of creating all kinds of websites, blogs and online stores that can be of great help for the digital transformation processes that many companies are going through to use the Internet as an alternative source of income or sales.

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