economy and politics

What is Marcelo Ebrard’s economic background?

What is Marcelo Ebrard's economic background?

It is even presumed to be a contributor to public policies, which have been essential for the development of Mexico, including several for the country’s economy.

The Colmex International Relations study program does not leave aside the micro and macro economy, nor the political economy of abroad, nor the economic development of Mexico, for this reason, Ebrard has the tables that link him to what will be his responsibility in the next administration.

Also the specialization in Public Administration at L’École Nationale d’Administration, one of the institutions considered elite, and which was therefore abolished in the government of Emmanuel Macron, supports part of Ebrard’s economic training.

One of the ENA’s missions was the training and continuous improvement of French and foreign officials.

The French institution was characterized by training French presidents, other high-ranking officials and even CEOs of the most important companies in the world.

One of the most important positions that Marcelo Ebrard has had in his career has been that of head of government of the then Federal District; Although he managed to have stability in the economic growth of the entity, it was one of the issues that he did not highlight in his last government report.

“The greatest satisfaction that we can all have is that today the City is recognized throughout the world for its climate action; for its Human Rights Program, for its freedoms, for the advancement of its health system, for its dynamism and infrastructure. The city is no longer the ugly duckling in the International Community,” reads that report.

His other closest approach to the economic side was as Secretary of Foreign Affairs in the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador, a position in which he had to get involved in economic promotion and trade negotiations.

The future Secretary of Economy

In his next assignment, Ebrard takes into account that the economic challenges for Mexico will be great, and an opportunity for him to continue his training in that field.

“Mexico has many conditions in its favor today in the world. The first, we have the fourth transformation, the best economic results, (…) the best economic results of the country in the last 50-60 years. We have, on the other hand, all the possibilities that the trade agreements we have give us. The growth of Mexico as a main partner of the United States of America will come from the renewal of the treaty we have with both the United States and Canada,” he said in his first words after his appointment as head. of the Ministry of Economy.

Although he highlighted these benefits, he also recognized that we are living in a more protectionist, and to a certain extent more unstable, world.

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