economy and politics

Webinar – POLITICAL DIALOGUES: necessary dialogues in policris contexts

In an increasingly complex and challenging context, political dialogues play a crucial role in building agreements and finding sustainable solutions. With the aim of generating a space for reflection and debate, we invite public officials, academics and specialists interested in conflict resolution to participate in our webinar “Political Dialogues: Necessary Interlocutions in Polycrisis Contexts.”

Key topics of the webinar:

During the event, we will address three essential questions for creating instances of political-social dialogue:

  • What are the conditions required to create instances of political dialogues in a given territory?
  • What challenges are faced in a context of polycrisis for a political dialogue to be an act of agreement-building?
  • What are the necessary mechanisms to guarantee the sustainability of the agreements obtained?

Expert panel:
This space will have the participation of four recognized specialists in the region:

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