economy and politics

Webinar "Design and evaluation of STI programs. The case of Horizon Europe"

The Conference on Science, Innovation and Information and Communications Technologies (CCITIC) is a subsidiary body of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). It is a permanent platform for political and technical dialogue, which brings together senior authorities responsible for science, technology and innovation (STI) policies. One of the CCITIC working groups is dedicated to the development of STI policy instruments, with the aim of promoting sustainable and inclusive productive development through strategic planning, governance and the implementation of key tools that strengthen capacities productivity and innovation in the region.
The Horizon Europe program is the European Union’s flagship initiative for research and innovation, covering the period from 2021 to 2027. With a budget of almost €95.5 billion, Horizon Europe seeks to boost scientific excellence, promote industrial leadership and address the most pressing social challenges. This program continues the legacy of Horizon 2020, providing support for world-class research and fostering cross-border collaboration, with a strong focus on innovation-driven outcomes.
An evaluation of Horizon Europe, carried out in accordance with the European Commission’s Better Regulatory Guidelines, assessed the program’s performance on key dimensions such as relevance, coherence, efficiency and effectiveness. The evaluation used a variety of methodologies, including desk research, interviews, surveys and econometric modeling. Key findings highlighted the relevance of the program to European challenges, its efficiency in resource management and its impact on scientific production and innovation.
The objectives of the webinar are to share the experience of the Horizon Europe program and the results of its evaluation with those responsible for public policies in Latin America and the Caribbean, so that they can discuss the most relevant points of both the program and the evaluation, adapting the lessons learned to local contexts.

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