Science and Tech

We leave you seven alternatives to ChatGPT

We leave you seven alternatives to ChatGPT


This AI is a useful tool for content creators, as it can write blog articles, suggest catchy titles and even create art with AI, it works in 29 languages ​​and remembers past conversations, and is even capable of creating its own ‘tone or voice ‘, in case you are looking to integrate it as an assistant for your brand.

The tool has a cost and if you want to try it you must pay at least $59 dollars per month.

Bing Chat

Another ChatGPT alternative is Bing, which you can find directly in the Microsoft search engine. One of the features that has the best development is that you can indicate the type of chat interaction you want, whether it be a more formal or relaxed one, or a very precise one with few details. Like the other services, this chat will allow you to research a topic and will have memory to improve your interaction.

Offering an AI model that rivals ChatGPT, Microsoft has released an improved version of Bing featuring its AI chat engine, codenamed “Sydney.”


The developers of this chatbot themselves indicate that YouChat is “an AI search assistant similar to ChatGPT”, with which you can talk directly in the search results. He stays up to date with the news and cites his sources so that users can trust his answers.

This alternative was born in December 2022 and is presented with an aesthetic similar to the Google search engine, with a bar in the middle of the screen to search for any term.

Poe AI

Poe AI is the brainchild of Quora CEO Adam D’Angelo, who is now on OpenAI’s board of directors after the company’s crisis a few weeks ago. Its objective? Make bots easy to use for everyone. Poe AI offers something different in a crowded field of bots like Google Bard and Bing AI.

However, it is not free at this time as you can only write 2-3 messages per day and it costs $19 per month.

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