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Despite the fact that Rockstar Games remains completely silent, Grand Theft Auto VI It is already one of the most anticipated video games. Naturally, thousands of fans are eager to play the next installment in the popular and irreverent open-world franchise, so it seems there are people who are capitalizing on that excitement to their advantage.
As highlighted by the portal Dexertoa fan reported on reddit who saw an alleged advertisement for the video game on a website. In the image in question we see a logo, while its description suggests that people who click will be able to play GTA VI totally free. Too good to be true.
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Don’t get excited: GTA VI ads are fake
Did Rockstar Games release the title without notifying anyone? Are we facing a free-to-play experience? Nothing is further from reality. As you can imagine, the advertisement that appeared on the internet and was discovered by the reddit user Ya_Boi_uh_SkinnyPeni is completely false.
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It’s not clear what happens if users click on the ad. It is possible that the link redirects to the website of another video game outside the open world franchise, although it also leaves the door open to scams and possible viruses. Therefore, we urge fans to ignore these ads if they come across them online.
It is worth noting that this is not the first time that a similar situation related to Grand Theft Auto VI. 4 months ago, a user on reddit revealed that he saw a fake advertisement for the video game on YouTube. According to reports, the advertisement in question disappeared shortly after due to the alleged intervention of Take-Two Interactive.
The image that appeared on the internet a few hours ago may experience the same fate sooner rather than later.
Of course, the users of the forum took the opportunity to joke about this situation. “GTAVI.EXE is downloading. 78GB of 374GB. I really hope it’s not a virus,” one player commented. “I love this new marketing strategy of simply launching an advertisement, without a trailer or preview”, joked another.
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But tell us, did you come across the fake ad? Let us read you in the comments.
The new installment of Grand Theft Auto it is currently under development. You will find more news related to the franchise if you visit this page.
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