day 157 of war in Ukraine.

The world is still waiting resume grain exports from Ukrainian ports. This has been one of the main issues discussed by the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, and the Russian Foreign Minister, Serguei Lavrov. The American has rushed the Russian to allow that trade to return to normal almost six months later.

The head of US diplomacy assured Lavrov that he was speaking on behalf of many countries that are still waiting for Russia to “allow the ships to set sail.” Likewise, he has pointed out that he was speaking on behalf of “many countries” that are “concerned” about the Russian intention to proceed with the annexation of territories of Ukraine staging “referendum farces” and trying to “falsely” demonstrate that the inhabitants of those areas love it.

[El misterio de la cárcel de Olenivka: Moscú y Kiev se acusan de la muerte de 40 presos ucranianos]

The President of Ukraine, Volodomir Zelensky, assured on Friday that his country was prepared to resume its egrain exports and you just wait to do it “Start signal” from the UN and Turkey. The head of the Ukrainian State sent this message after supervising the preparations for the operations from the port of Chornomorks (south of the country), from where the first ship loaded with grain is to leave.