day 165 of war in Ukraine.

The unblocking of grain exports from Ukraine are not going as expected. In addition to the delay that caused the first ships to take many more days to leave than expected, there is now the non-compliance with schedules.

The best example is the first ship that left the port of Odessa last Monday with more than 26,000 tons of grain, which finally it will not arrive this Sunday in Lebanon as originally expected. According to the websites that monitor the location of the ships, the ship, named Razoni, is currently off the Turkish coast.

[La ONU, tras el ataque de Rusia a la central de Zaporiyia: “El riesgo de desastre nuclear es real”]

Ukraine has not given explanations in this regard, since it was the government of Volodimir Zelenski that marked this Sunday as the day set for the unloading of the cargo. Now, kyiv says that “they have a delay” and that “it will not arrive today”, without specifying the causes of this inconvenience. According to Reuters, the most realistic date for the ship to reach port is next Tuesday.